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赫普(中国)有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:广东省 中国广东深圳蛇口工业区南海大道工业五路
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
赫普(中国)有限公司是的涂料供应商Hempel集团在华的子公司。公司总部设在香港,在中国境内共有三家工厂(蛇口、昆山、烟台)、九个办事处(北京、大连、青岛、上海、成都、广州、深圳、武汉、天津)及11个存货点。同时,为满足不断增长的市场需求,公司正在广州建设一家设备齐全的现代化新工厂。广阔的地理覆盖面使公司具备了在短时间内准时送货的能力。目前,公司在中国已经发展为工业漆、船舶漆、集装箱漆及装饰漆的市场领导者之一,年营业额超过4亿美元。依据Hempel制定的“One Hempel-Everywhere”的企业战略,以及集团一贯以来的要求,公司所需生产原料大部分为进口,并全部经集团测试及批准后方可使用。同时,公司严格按照ISO国际质量标准程序及Hempel集团内部的质量管理方针进行质量管理,保证了不同地区的客户能获得到同样高品质的产品。此外,公司拥有300多名专业技术服务人员,能随时为客户提供专业化的技术服务及知识,包括协助客户准备涂料方案并在施工过程中给予支持等。赫普(中国)有限公司前身为Hempel集团与香港招商局国际有限公司于1992年合资组建的海虹老人牌(中国)有限公司。其实,早在上世纪50年代中期,Hempel就已经活跃于中国市场,为当时的远洋轮船提供涂料,给日后的长足发展奠定了坚实的基础。2009年1月,Hempel集团收购招商局国际所持有的海虹老人牌(中国)有限公司的股份后成为该公司的股东,将公司更名为赫普(中国)有限公司。HEMPEL集团成立于1915年,在全球拥有20个生产厂,2个主研发中心及6个区域性研发中心,47个销售办事处130多个存货点,以高质量的涂料产品远销世界各地。Hempel (China) Ltd is the wholly owned subsidiary of Hempel A/S in China. With its headquarters in Hong Kong, there are three production facilities, nine sales offices located in Beijing, Dalian, Qingdao, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Tianjin, and eleven stock points strategically located in China. Another new advanced production plant in Guangzhou is under construction to cater for the increasing market needs. Wide geographical coverage enables us to serve our customers with prompt delivery of our products in China.Today, Hempel (China) Ltd is one of the market leaders of supplying high quality coatings in marine, container, protective and decorative markets. The annual turnover exceeds USD 400 million.In line with the One Hempel-Everywhere strategy, and by fully adopting the ISO quality procedures, Hempel China ensures our customers can get the same high quality products as are offered anywhere in the world. The former company of Hempel (China) Ltd was Hempel-Hai Hong (China) Ltd which was founded in 1992 as a joint venture of the Hempel Group and China Merchants Holdings (International) Co Ltd. Before the joint venture, Hempel has been active in China market since 1950’s where we supplied coatings to ocean going vessels. In January 2009, Hempel A/S has acquired 100% shares of Hempel-Hai Hong and the company name was changed to Hempel (China) Ltd. Established in 1915, Hempel today is a leader in the production and sales of protective coatings in marine, container, yacht, decorative and protective market segments.


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